While many dogs will have you trying to guess their breed, the Basset Hound is not mistaken. They’re short but heavy-boned, and those little bowed legs and huge paws have power, strength, and stamina. They are built for endurance and less for speed and move deliberately yet effortlessly. They’re most famous for their big, domed head, long muzzle, piles of baggy skin on their face, and extremely long, soft ears. Their coats are short, smooth, and hard-textured and come in three color patterns – tan, white, and black. Overall, with their mournful-looking eyes and wrinkled brow, they wear the look of a sad clown.
Since Bassets were bred as pack dogs, they love being with their families, are staunchly loyal, and get on with other pets. The Basset is sometimes stubborn while following its scent on a trail, but always a charmer and consistently a favorite worldwide.