Welcome to Animalia+
You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers!

Health & Science
Why is my dog limping, how to get my puppy to eat, what to do if my dog eats chocolate, should I neuter my dog… We know your dog’s health is important to you. That’s why we’ve gathered all the information you need in order to keep your dog healthy and active.
Big Brain Stuff: Can Dogs and Cats Suffer from Neurological Issues?
Your dog or cat may just be a family member on four legs, but they’re definitely not human. Still, they do have at least one thing in common with us- neurological problems. What causes them, how you can treat them, and what you can do if the worst happens: we have all the answers.
Health & Science
10 min read
Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Red?
Unlike us humans, when dogs’ eyes turn red it’s usually not because of the devil’s lettuce. So what gives? Worry not, we’ve got the scoop on exactly why.
Health & Science
5 min read
‘I’m Good, Thanks’: All About Reduced Appetite and Loss of Appetite in Dogs and Cats
Sometimes, it seems like dogs and cats just never stop eating. In fact, sometimes they keep eating even if they’re in significant pain or physical distress. So, if your pup or kitty stops munching, you know it warrants a closer look. Here’s a guide to why dogs and cats might stop eating, or might eat less.
Health & Science
7 min read
Using Bravecto for Dog & Cat Flea Treatments: Miracle Cure or Risky Business?
Anyone who owns a dog or cat knows- fleas and ticks are more than just a nuisance. In fact, they’re a tiny, not-so-dynamic duo that can cause major problems. But are the new veterinary treatments available today really the miracle solution to this issue? Or could they also pose a risk to your dog or cat? Animalia sets the record straight.
Health & Science
6 min read
Settling the Age-Old Question Once and for All: Are Cats Liquid?
It’s been a pretty longstanding internet meme to say that cats’ state of matter isn’t solid but actually liquid. Haha, right? Well, right- but also kind of scientifically right. Read on for the skinny on why your cat may be more like the water in their bowl than you imagined.
Health & Science
6 min read
What’s Shakin’, Bacon: Why Sharing Bacon with Your Dog Can Go Wrong
We get it. Those puppy-dog eyes are hard to resist, and you get them especially hard when you’re enjoying a delicious, sizzling slice of bacon. But as tempting as it might be to toss a strip to your furry friend, there are some VERY good reasons to think twice.
Health & Science
4 min read
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)
These days, all of us could use emotional support animals. But they’re far from a punchline- they’re real, and doing super important work. This is everything you need to know about them and the rules governing them.
Health & Science
6 min read
Playing Fetch with a Branch? That’s a Sticky Situation
Playing with your dog is an amazing opportunity to bond with them, while burning off both physical and mental energy- for the both of you! The problem is that playing fetch with a stick is more dangerous than you probably realized. Watch the video to find out why and stick around (see what we did there?) for tips on safer play.
Health & Science
4 min read
How Pets Can Help Your Mental Health
Is dog really man’s best friend? It’s an old cliché that may actually be truer than you think. In fact, it’s not just dogs – cats may secretly be our best friends too. Why? Well, it all comes down to pets’ positive influence on our mental health. Read on to find out the whole story
Health & Science
7 min read
The Complete Guide to Dog and Cat First Aid
Everyone goes through rough times, but no times are rougher for pet parents than when their fur baby suffers a medical emergency. The good news? An appropriate, calm response in such situations can increase their chances of survival and help you function better. So what should you do when the dog or cat doo-doo hits the fan? With the help of our experts, we’ve compiled this first-class first-aid guide.
Health & Science
9 min read