Chihuahuas, commonly seen as a Mexican national symbol, are a tiny dog breed that boasts a huge personality. They have a Terrier-like demeanor, apple-round head with erect ears and luminous eyes. Chihuahuas can have either a short-haired or a longhaired coat, but the color varies widely.
Chihuahuas are courageous, lively, intelligent, and very loyal. They have a strong will and a tendency to devotedly control their territory. While they are a charming breed, “Chis” (as owners affectionately call them), they have a tendency to be a bit sassy. The Chihuahua Club of America actually refers to the breed’s expression as “saucy.”
They like to be close to their owner, often underfoot. Chihuahuas are also good watchdogs thanks to their stranger danger tendencies. More than just a “purse dog,” Chihuahuas are a very alert breed that loves to be on the go with their owners. Their compact size combined with their confident nature also make them ideal urban pets.
Because they are loyal and animated, chihuahuas make great guard dogs. They are a vocal breed, and are wary of outsiders, so if someone approaches your home or aims to intrude, your chihuahua is going to make sure everyone knows about it.