The Shih Tzu is a surprisingly sturdy little dog with a small muzzle, large dark brown eyes, and a show-stopping coat. It’s also quite common and expected for this dog breed to have an underbite, which is nothing to worry about as long as they can chew their food.
This gorgeous toy dog is covered in a double coat of long, luxuriant, straight hair that goes all the way to its ears. Their long silky coat ,that can swoop all the way down to the floor, comes in a wide variety of colors and requires daily brushing. Although the breed standard requires just a slight wave in the coat, it’s not that unusual to find a curly-haired Shih Tzu. You can tie excess hair on top of their head with a ribbon.
Due to their royal ancestry, Shih Tzus are pretty content lounging indoors. As far as temperament goes, the Shih Tzu is a profoundly affectionate breed that is easily trusting of people and children. They’re generally obliging and will tend to sit on your lap a lot. All they want is a lot of love and a little reassurance.