Which Summer Activity Will Your Furry Friend Love?
Which summer activity can you do with your pet? Take this quiz and get personalized recommendations for your dog or cat!

Writer Jannah Berkley
4 min read

Take this short quiz to find out which summer activity your dog or cat will enjoy the most!
How to take the quiz:
For each question, pick the answer the way that your pet would answer. Each answer will lead you to a specific recommendation for your pet’s perfect summer adventure based on their personality.
*If your dog or cat knows how to paw a keyboard, let them answer for themselves!
1. How does your pet respond to new people?
A. Runs excited circles around the new person.
B. Wants to be cuddled and pet by everyone.
C. Sniffs around their feet curiously.
D. Stands back and watches from a distance.
2. What’s your pet’s vibe like in the morning?
A. Wakes you up bright and early, raring to go.
B. Loves cuddling and then is ready to play.
C. Has different energy depending on the season.
D. Asleep.
3. How would your pet like to celebrate their birthday?
A. Get new toys and play with them all day.
B. Have the neighbors over and enjoy a birthday pet-cake all together.
C. Explore a new toy and the box it came in.
D. Get belly rubs on the couch all day together.

4. What does your pet think of the heat?
A. Totally energized by it!
B. Likes to play in it, but needs frequent breaks.
C. Enjoys laying in the sun, but needs a fan nearby.
D. Not having it. Air conditioner and shade please!
5. What summer movie would your pet love to watch?
A. A big-budget action film.
B. A family-friendly comedy.
C. A spy film with a big twist.
D. A rom-com.
6. What would be your pet’s favorite color?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Black
D. Pink
Mostly A’s: The Friendly Fireball
Your pet is always full of energy and ready for an adventure! If they’re a dog, the perfect summer activity would be a long nature hike or a refreshing swim. If they’re a cat, you could create an epic obstacle course (indoor or outdoor depending on your cat).
Mostly B’s: The Extra Extrovert
Your pet is always making new friends, both in the house and out on the town! If they’re a dog, the perfect summer activity would be exploring a new dog park or going to a dog-friendly farmer’s market. If they’re a cat, you could teach them how to walk on a leash and go meet your squirrel neighbors.
Mostly C’s: The Imaginative Investigator
Your pet lives life through their nose and loves any new smells. If they’re a dog, the perfect summer activity would be a shady early morning walk through a new neighborhood. If they’re a cat, you could hide catnip around the house and see if they can sniff it all out.
Mostly D’s: The Calm Cuddler
The best part about summer for your pet is summer Fridays: it means more cuddle time with you! If they’re a dog, the perfect summer activity would be a sunset picnic when it’s not too hot (definitely under a tree). If they’re a cat, a summer movie night-in will definitely keep them purring.
No matter which activity you choose to do with your furry friend, make sure that they stay safe this summer!
- Hydration: They need extra water, so keep their bowl full and fresh.
- Hot, hot, heat: Make sure that when they’re alone in your house or your car, there’s always airflow. That way they don’t overheat. Heatstroke is no joke!
- Paw protection: Check that the areas they walk on aren’t too hot. If it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for them! Add some fake grass or objects that stay cool on their path to keep their paws safe. And if they don’t shake them off, booties are also a nice way to protect them.
- No creepy crawlers: Summer is peak season for parasites of all kinds: fleas, ticks and heartworm. Keep an eye on them to make sure your pets aren’t itching and scratching.
- Be proactive: Just in case anything happens to your dog or your cat, make sure you’ve got Animalia Pet Insurance’s coverage. That way you can pop in to see the vet without any worries. And get back to your paw-some summer!

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- Dog
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