The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has a “foxy” look highlighted by their thick double coat and its sable colors. This coat has a coarse waterproof outer layer and a softer underlayer. The length of the outer coat varies from dog to dog. Some have a fluffier coat as well as feathering on the chest, legs, feet, and ears. Many Pembrokes also feature a “fairy saddle” mark on their back caused by changes in the thickness and direction of their hair.
With their loving, happy, and intelligent personalities they fit right into family life, and always want to be at the canter of whatever’s going on. Despite their small size, Pembrokes have boundless energy and love nothing more than a long walk or fun play session. However, their short legs make it hard for them to keep up with cyclists and sprinters. If you leave them alone for too long or don’t give them enough exercise, Corgis will channel their boredom and excess energy into destructive digging and chewing.