Why Do Dogs Rub Their Faces With Their Paws?
Why is your dog rubbing their face with their paws? Is it a behavioral quirk or a sign of more serious trouble? The answers might actually surprise you.

Writer Roi Kadosh
5 min read

Does your dog ever rub their face with their paws? If so, you may have asked whether the unusual behavior is cause for concern, maybe a seemingly innocent sign of a larger issue… or a simple attempt to scratch a nagging itch.
From responding to emotional triggers to simply alleviating boredom, there are a few reasons why a dog might rub their face with their paws. Let’s explore some of the most common causes behind this familiar canine behavior.
Fleas, mites, and ticks
One of the most common reasons a dog might cover their face with their paws is to scratch at fleas, mites, or ticks. Dogs are particularly sensitive to these parasites and may itch to the point of injury to alleviate pain and discomfort. If you suspect an infestation of these creepy-crawlies, consult your vet and make sure you’re taking all the necessary steps to protect your pet from such blood-sucking critters.
We’ve all known someone who can’t spend time around dogs without suffering serious allergy symptoms. Dogs can suffer allergies too as a result of environmental and dietary sensitivities. These allergies may manifest in itchy, dry skin around your dog’s muzzle, neck, and face. Repeated scratching may offer momentary relief, but it can also eventually exacerbate the issue. A topical treatment or medication that manages allergy-related skin inflammation may be enough to address this behavior and its consequences.
Ear infection
An ear infection will often prompt a dog to scratch their ears, rub their face on the ground and shake their head. You may also notice redness, excessive discharge or an unpleasant odor from the ear canal. The most common underlying causes for ear infections include allergies or getting water in the ears. Ear irritation can also be caused by ear mite infestation.
Emotional response
Dogs can’t tell us exactly how they’re feeling – how much simpler that would’ve been – but they have plenty of other ways of expressing their emotions. Pawing at their face, for example, could be a sign of emotional distress or simply serve as a sign of boredom or tiredness. Try offering up an exciting toy to stimulate your dog and divert their attention. However, sometimes, a dog’s rubbing of their face is a sign of something more serious. Constant pawing and rubbing could be a sign of persistent anxiety, fear, or stress. Consider working with a professional dog trainer to determine the underlying cause of their anxieties and mount an effective management strategy.

Submissive behavior
A dog’s decision to cover their face with their paws is an instinctive behavior that’s often a sign of submission. It’s a way for them to communicate with people and other animals, as well as an occasional source of comfort. Essentially, when a dog paws at their face, they’re likely trying to show that they feel comfortable and safe in their environment. Another option is that they’re trying to appease another animal or person with a message of submission. Think of it as your dog’s way of saying, “I’m not a threat. I’m not going to fight you”.
Eye irritation
Dogs may cover their faces with their paws when they experience eye irritation. Dogs will typically do this when they have dry, itchy eyes, an infection or a corneal ulcer. It may also be spotted when a dog is experiencing irritation related to irritants like pollen. If your dog is rubbing their face with their paws, it’s important to check for any foreign objects that may be causing trouble. If the issue persists, take your pup to the vet as soon as possible to determine the cause of their discomfort.
Unfortunately, some conditions that may cause dogs to cover their faces with their paws, like infections and allergies, are expensive to treat. Animalia Pet Insurance’s dog insurance can take the sting off of their medical bill, offering coverage for a range of unexpected expenses. Your policy may help cover everything from expenses associated with accidents to hospital bills and prescription medications. Get a quote from Animalia today to learn more.

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