How Often Should I Bathe My Puppy?
As the owner of a very busy dog, it can be a bit tricky to keep track of their bath schedules. We’ve made a guide to help you determine if and when you should give your dog a nice warm bath.
Writer Animalia Team
5 min read

Being a dog is not an easy job – it requires running around the house, barking at the postman, defending the front lawn from intruders, occasionally eating grass, and rolling in mud. In all that work, pups can get dirty. As the owner of a very busy dog, we understand that it can be a bit tricky to keep track of their bath schedules. So, we’ve made a guide to help you determine if and when you should give your dog a nice warm bath.
The importance of bathing your puppy
Dogs have thick fur, either long or short. But if there’s one thing we know for certain is that their fur is a dust and dirt magnet. It’s extremely important to have your dog regularly cleaned up, as it will not only clear their fur and skin from accumulated bacteria and debris but will also prevent any health problems, such as fungal infections.
Unlike cats, most puppies and adult dogs actually enjoy the bathing process and even find it fun, so the sooner you introduce your pets to bath time, the quicker they will get used to it. Additionally, if your puppy has a skin condition of any sort, bathing them will almost always eliminate some of the discomforts they experience. For example, dogs itchy from allergies are typically less irritated after a bath.

The danger of overbathing
In the past, people didn’t have special conditioners, shampoos, soaps, and products for their pets; hence – they used regular products for bathing their companions. When it comes to bathing, most of the dangers either come from overbathing or not using designated bath products.
Unlike humans, dogs can’t regulate their body temperature that well, so if you are bathing your puppy every single day, it may cause some issues with their health or make them sick.
In addition, it’s imperative to use products made specifically for them. It’s not advised to use the same shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and products we use, as this may damage their fur in the long run, causing it to become sticky, dry, and lackluster. Furr-tunately for us, there are plenty of products available on the market to choose from and make sure our pets are well-groomed, smell fresh, and feel good!
How often should you bathe your puppy?
The American Kennel Club vets claim that although a good rule of thumb is to bathe your puppy once every month, making a bathing schedule should be based on the following factors:
- Hair length
- Activity level
- Skin conditions/allergies
Dogs with a high activity level, spend more time outdoors and have longer fur, should be bathed more often than others. At a bare minimum, a dog should be bathed at least once every three months; however, if you keep them inside and use gentle products – you can prepare a bath for your pup every other week – or when they start to become stinky.
Furthermore, it’s important to note that puppies younger than 8 weeks should be bathed once – if they become unbearably filthy. Younger pups have no control over their body temperature, and their immune system can become vulnerable if improperly handled after a bath.
How to bathe your puppy
Down below are some of our tips for a successful puppy bath:
Pick a spot
Before bathing your puppy, you have to pick the right spot. Keep in mind that one inevitable part of puppy bathing is – the shake! After their bath time, puppies love to shake dry, so to prevent them from making a mess all over the place – make sure you pick a good spot – an outdoor bath, a sink, or a kids’ pool are all great options.
Choose the right products
The products we use for ourselves won’t do much good for your dog, so it’s just as vital to pick out products that won’t be so harsh to their fur and skin. There are plenty of mild pet shampoos to choose from in local stores.
Rinse well
Once you pick out your product and have the warm water ready, it’s time to start the bathing process. Make sure you rinse your puppy thoroughly to remove all accumulated dirt, dust, and bacteria.
Don’t let any water get into the puppy’s eyes or ears. Once you’ve rinsed your puppy well, grab a towel and soak your furry dog up. Feel free to use a blow dryer to make sure their pelt has dried up well.
Bathing your puppy should be a fun and engaging process. There is no major specific schedule to stick to, so when your puppy gets stinky or dirty – you can always put on some warm water and give them a nice bath. One thing is for certain – puppies enjoy bathing and see it as a fun way to bond with their owners.

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