What’s Shakin’, Bacon: Why Sharing Bacon with Your Dog Can Go Wrong
We get it. Those puppy-dog eyes are hard to resist, and you get them especially hard when you’re enjoying a delicious, sizzling slice of bacon. But as tempting as it might be to toss a strip to your furry friend, there are some VERY good reasons to think twice.

Writer Roi Kadosh
4 min read

If you like to indulge in bacon, go right ahead. It’s probably not the best choice for you either, but hey, you’re a human adult capable of making their own decisions. Your dog, though? That’s a different story.That crispy, salty snack could cause them some serious health issues.
Don’t be a ham, watch the video to get the full scoop on why bacon and other fatty treats aren’t so great for your dog. Then, stick around for the extra credit – delving into a few healthier (and almost-as-tasty) options that’ll still keep them wagging their tail. Plus, learn what you can do if your dog does get into a big ol’ thing of bacon.
Dog-friendly alternatives to bacon
So, if bacon is off the menu, what can you give your pup as a tasty treat? Here are some healthier, dog-approved snacks that’ll keep them satisfied- without the risks.
1. Sweet potato slices
Baked or boiled, sweet potatoes are naturally sweet and packed with vitamins. Slice them up and offer them as a nutritious snack that’s safe for dogs. Just avoid adding any butter or seasoning, and let your dog enjoy the pure taste.
2. Green beans
These low-calorie veggies are easy for dogs to digest and are low in fat. Green beans are also high in fiber and can even help manage weight for pups who need to watch what (and how much) they eat. Serve them bite-sized and unseasoned, raw or steamed for a healthy treat. If offering canned green beans, be sure to select the non-salted variety.
3. Pumpkin
Canned pumpkin is great for digestion as it’s high in fiber and helps with sensitive stomachs. Just make sure to go for canned pumpkin with no added sugar (not pie filling) for a vitamin-packed treat.
4. Dog treats with bacon flavoring
If it’s the bacon flavor your dog loves, try finding dog treats made with natural bacon flavoring. These treats give them that savory taste without all the fat and salt found in real bacon. You can find plenty of options at pet stores or online.
What you can do if your dog ate bacon
First of all, relax! Panicking isn’t going to help anyone. But yeah, accidents happen- maybe your dog snagged a piece off the table or helped themselves to an unattended breakfast plate. If your dog does get into some bacon, here’s what you can do:
- Keep an eye on them: Watch for any unusual signs, like vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive thirst. These might be signs that the high fat or salt content is causing trouble.
- Stay in touch with your vet: If you notice any symptoms or if your dog ate a larger amount of bacon, it’s a good idea to call your vet. They can advise you on the next steps, which may include bringing your pup in for a quick check-up.
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Salt can make dogs thirsty, so make sure your dog has plenty of water to help flush out excess sodium.
- Stick to dog-safe treats in the future: Even if your dog seems fine after a taste of bacon, it’s better to steer clear from here on out. Over time, fatty and salty foods add up, leading to obesity, heart issues, and other health complications.
Truth is, bacon is just one food that’s not just unhealthy, but also potentially dangerous for your pup. The good news? You don’t have to work your brain overtime trying to suss out the rest- we’ve compiled a whole entire list for you right here! As an added bonus, it also include lists of “human” foods you should actually give your dog, as well as foods that are okay in moderation.
Hungry for more (heh heh)? You can take a deep dive into the world of things your dog can, should, and can’t eat here. Or you can check out this article about food allergies your dog may develop.
Sharing is caring- but you should absolutely draw the line at bacon. The potential risks of pancreatitis, sodium ion poisoning, and other health issues just aren’t worth it. And if your dog did happen to pig out on some pork while you were looking the other way? Well, that’s what Animalia’s dog insurance is for. Our coverage makes sure no meal- or vet bill- will take either of you down.

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